Interview AI

Interview AI is a revolutionary AI platform that allows anyone to streamline the recruitment process and hire qualified candidates in just a few minutes. It leverages artificial intelligence to generate highly targeted and relevant interview questions for each candidate and assesses their performance in a few seconds. InterviewAI eliminates the need for hiring managers to conduct interviews, making the process faster, more efficient, and more effective.

What is Interview AI?

InterviewAI is an AI-powered platform that uses artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to create tailored interview questions, evaluate candidates’ performance in a few seconds, and generate a complete candidate profile. Unlike traditional screening tools, InterviewAI is 100% customized, and it doesn’t require any special training or programming knowledge.

How to use Interview AI?

Using InterviewAI is simple and straightforward. Here’s how to get started:

  • Register for a free Interview AI account.
  • Click on the “Find Your Questions” button and start creating interview questions.
  • Add up to 10 questions per applicant.
  • See the results instantly in the AI engine.
  • Filter the questions by industry or job role.
  • Select the desired question types (for example, behavioral, open-ended, or technical).
  • Pick a template from the AI engine.
  • Add custom questions, or select from our selection of over 200 predefined templates.
  • Preview the question.
  • Get notified of the first set of results.

Note: You can now apply for a job, and Interview AI will assess your performance in a few seconds.

Share the results of your assessment with hiring managers, or invite them to share their own assessments.

Benefits of using InterviewAI

InterviewAI has several benefits for companies and candidates, including:

Efficiency: InterviewAI saves hiring managers time and money. They can now conduct interviews faster, more effectively, and more efficiently.

Competitive advantage: Hiring managers will have access to candidates with the most relevant skillsets for their company, based on InterviewAI’s algorithm.

Consistent experience: InterviewAI is consistent in every way: its algorithms generate the same questions every time and assess candidates in the same way.

Customized: InterviewAI is completely customizable, and it works with any organization, regardless of size. InterviewAI’s AI-powered question generation algorithm ensures that the questions are tailored to each candidate’s profile


Q: How do I know if the Interview AI engine is working correctly?

A: You can monitor the status of the InterviewAI AI engine by clicking on the Status tab on the dashboard. If the Status shows “Not Running,” the engine is not working.

Q: How many questions can I generate with InterviewAI?

A: The number of questions you can generate depends on the number of applicants you’re interviewing. For most job roles, we recommend a limit of 10-20 questions per applicant.

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